STANDARDS ABOUT KEY OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES JOIN PARTNERS INITIATIVES RESULTS Ensure Global Operations of Data Space 4.0 Infrastructures, Platforms & Applications Established Approved Work Item Comming Soon Published Data Spaces Data Space Protocol ISO/IEC JTC 1 Go Open Digital Rights Language W3C Go Organizational Autonomy and Digital Sovereignty ISO/IEC TS 10866 Go Data Management, Data spaces, Cloud and Edge CEN/CENELEC JTC 25 – FG DDCE Go PWI (Guidance on IoT and digital twin integrations in data spaces) ISO JTC1/SC41 Go Foundational concepts and essential characteristics of dataspaces ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC38 AWI 20151 Go Identities & Trust Verifiable Credentials W3C Go Decentralized Identifiers W3C Go Gaia-X (Trust Protocol) ISO/IEC JTC 1 Go Trusted Data Transaction CEN/CENELEC Go Data Trading Data-trading system: overview, terminology and reference model IEEE P3800 Go Data Models Data Catalog Vocabulary W3C Go Resource Description Framework W3C Go EXPRESS dictionary schema IEC 61360-2 Go Common Data Dictionary IEC 61360-4 DB Go Next Generation Service Interface-Linked Data ETSI Go Digital Nameplate IEC 61406 Go Industrial automation systems and integration — Exchange of characteristic data — Part 5: Identification scheme ISO Go Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 6: Registration ISO Go OPC Unified Architecture IEC 62541 Go AutomationML: Architecture and general requirements IEC 62714-1 Go AutomationML: Role class libraries IEC 62714-2 Go Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 42: Integrated generic resource: Geometric and topological representation ISO Go Industrial automation systems and integration – Parts library – Part 42: Description methodology: Methodology for structuring part families ISO Go Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing Standards Map Catalogue ISO/IEC TR 63306-1 Go Smart manufacturing standards map (SM2) – Part 1: Framework ISO/IEC TR 63306-1 Go Smart manufacturing standards map (SM2) – Part 2: Catalogue ISO/IEC TR 63306-2 Go Web of Things W3C Go MQ Telemetry Transport Specifciations OASIS Go MQ Telemetry Transport Standard ISO Go Digital Twin Asset Administration Shell for industrial applications - Part 1: Asset Administration Shell structure IEC 63278-1 Go Asset Administration Shell - Catena-X IDTA Go Smart Manufacturing Profiles CESMI Go Automation systems and integration-Digital twin framework for manufacturing ISO 23247 Go General principles and requirements for developing digital twins in manufacturing ISO 23247-1 Go Reference architecture with functional views ISO 23247-2 Go List of basic information attributes for the observable manufacturing elements ISO 23247-3 Go Technical requirements for information exchange between entities within the reference architecture ISO 23247-4 Go