Setting the Pathway Towards a Common European Manufacturing Data Space
About Data
Space 4.0
Data Space 4.0 is an industrial community driven by the National Industry 4.0 initiatives, sustained by the Digital Factory Alliance, supported by European Data Space and Industry 4.0 stakeholder communities and funded by the Digital Europe Programme from the European Commission.
Data Space 4.0 is an Industry 4.0 community born to create a unified voice and a shared pathway and governance model for scale-up of cross-sectorial data spaces for manufacturing.
Data Space 4.0 will support the community collaboration to align and set the foundations for a harmonised, yet autonomous, roll out and scale-up of a sovereign European manufacturing data space continuum.
Data Space 4.0 brings together national Industry 4.0 initiatives, European data space think tanks, industrial associations, knowledge and innovation networks, data 4.0 model standardisation initiatives and European networks for SME digital transformation to join efforts and identify common principles for sharing industrial data at the EU level.
Data Space 4.0 is open to all the digital and manufacturing community concerned with unlocking new data-powered business models and develop rich data value chains in manufacturing products, factories and supply chains.
A European Data Space 4.0 Alliance & Multi-stakeholder Governance Model for data spaces for manufacturing.
Data Space 4.0 Canvas of design strategies, business modelling, incentive schemes and best-practices.
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Become a member of the Digital Factory Alliance (DFA) and be a protagonist in the data space for manufacturing journey.