ISO TC 184 super meeting Cavalcade Day
Upcoming 2023 SUPER MEETING in France – June 14th : Cavalcade Day
ISO/TC 184 – Automation Systems and Integration
Digital Transformation through industrially relevant international standards

Today’s modern products and the means of production have embraced the merger of physical design and software design creating a new generation of digitally enabled systems. Data regarding the product, the manufacturing process, the product in use, and reuse of the product has become as important as the physical systems they represent and unlock a new world of potential for users and producers. ISO/TC 184 is focused on standardization in the field of automation systems and their integration for design, sourcing, manufacturing, production and delivery, support, maintenance and disposal of products and their associated services. These standards form the foundation for major sectors of the world economy in how industrial data is architected, authored, curated, controlled, and archived.
Please join us for a day of collaboration, dialogue and action as we bring industry, standards developers, and an international set of standards organizations together for Cavalcade Day. Hosted during the Plenary sessions of its subcommittees and working groups, Cavalcade Day provides a rich backdrop against which important questions regarding the future roadmaps of industrial automation standards are considered. Containing both a lecture and workshop format, Cavalcade Day is an engaging, high energy exercise that you will not want to miss!
Our agenda will explore key questions regarding digital transformation:
- How is digital transformation different from what we are doing today?
- What do we mean by the digital transformation of an enterprise?
- What is the role of a standard in digital
- What is the role of quality in digital transformation?
- How will the digital transformation of standards support industrial needs ?
- How will the landscape of interoperability change after digital transformation?
The event will take place at Auditorium AZUR – EDF Lab Saclay
7 boulevard Gaspard Monge 91120 Palaiseau